As lead web designer, I spearheaded numerous web design initiatives in collaboration with stakeholders and leveraging Content Management Systems (CMS). These endeavors were dedicated to not only enhancing website performance but also cultivating an optimal user experience.





Web Design
Interface Design
6 months
Adobe Creative Suite

Design Challenge

Upon joining the team, I assumed responsibility for a multitude of design projects, each bearing significant weight and importance within the context of our organization's overall digital presence. These tasks encompassed a comprehensive reimagining of The Branding Site, a complete overhaul of the ONE Dream site, the development of an engaging landing page for our Summit Event, the creation of a captivating landing page for the Base Camp Event, and an ambitious endeavor involving the complete reconstruction and redesign of our corporate site.

These projects presented an array of challenges that were intrinsically tied to the reputation and global recognition of our dynamic real estate brand. A paramount focus on user experience and design became the driving force behind our strategy, as we aimed to deliver nothing short of exceptional quality and aesthetic appeal across all five digital platforms. The pursuit of creating visually striking, functionally seamless websites has remained at the forefront of our efforts, ensuring that our digital presence remains not only engaging but also sets new industry standards.

Corporate Site


Entrusted with the development of a sophisticated corporate website, our stakeholders articulated an unequivocal vision: "Everything should be just ONE Click Away." With this guiding principle, we embarked on a mission to craft a website characterized by its elegant simplicity and user-friendliness.

Branding Site


Once more, our objective for the branding site was unequivocal: to ensure that everything was accessible with just "ONE click." The development of the branding site was conceived as a pivotal solution, aimed at providing realty one brokerages from across the globe with effortless access to design files, assets, and other essential resources.

ONE Summit/ Base Camp

Micro Site Build Out

These both were smaller scale projects, but still made a huge impact! ONE Summit and Base Camp are Realty ONE Groups 2 biggest events of the year and some of the biggest events in real estate. The task was to create a microsite for each one that would bring that WOW factor.